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Introducing Circular Solar

Updated: Feb 23

The Endless Energy team is excited to announce our innovative new discovery. After two years of development, we have created game-changing circular solar panels.

We don’t want to toot our horn too much, but we're convinced this is the next great leap in the renewable energy space. The prototype has been thoroughly tested and validated and is now ready for prime time. Teaming up with a local manufacturer, we're ready for these panels to roll out the workshop door.

With an 80% increase in efficiency, this is our best-performing panel yet. Although achieved through a variety of design features, the rounded shape is key. Mimicking the shape of both the sun and earth, we're achieving max energy absorption. The photo-voltaic panel is able to collect more photos (little packets of energy). As a result, the gamma-ray dispersion is unprecedented.

Rolling hills with a rendering of a circular solar panel farm

In the context of agrovoltaics, the cows and sheep are loving the more approachable shape. We're currently trialing circular panels on an axel. The livestock intuitively pushes the units around, doubling their sun exposure.

Another big advantage our panels have is their ease of installment. The panels can easily be rolled on and off the roof (if needed). Our in-house installers have praised the ease and efficiency of their projects now. Their productivity has increased by 300%.

Exclusive offer for the date of April 1st.



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