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A pair of hands holding a glass jar with with coins and seedlings.


Payment options

We partner with Smart Ease for flexible payment solutions for every type of business and organisation. When it comes to payment solutions for energy-efficiency equipment, we rely on Smart Ease for competitive rates, fast approval and excellent service for our commercial customers. Three payment options are available.

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Explore our residential finance options

Cash Purchase


A cash purchase can either be bought outright, or paid in two instalments. An initial 50% deposit of the system's total cost once a quote has been accepted, followed by the remaining balance once the installation is complete. This is a good option for businesses with the capital to pay upfront, saving thousands of dollars in the long run. 


Finance Purchase


This payment plan is ideal for when your capital is best invested elsewhere in your business. A finance purchase can be rented or leased with a typical agreement term of 2-10 years. With a rental, SmartEase owns the equipment and you can offer to buy the equipment at the end of the term. A rental is typically a fully tax-deductible operating expense and is our most popular finance plan. With a lease, you own the equipment and it is regarded on your balance sheet as an asset/liability. 


Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) 


An onsite solar PPA is a long-term electricity supply agreement that enables you to install a solar system on your premises – without the capital outlay.
Your PPA provider owns, operates and maintains the system and sells you the electricity it generates at an agreed rate (c/kWh). The rate is 
typically cheaper than you would pay from your power company.

•    No initial capital outlay
•    Big long-term savings
•    No maintenance, operations or insurance
•    Accurate sustainability data
•    System upgrades included
•    Increased building value



For more information regarding these payment options click here.

The Economic Benefits

Positive Cashflow

With a Smart Ease financial purchase and potentially a small deposit, your solar investment will be cashflow neutral in the first year, and cashflow positive from the second year onwards.

Investment Return

An impressive internal rate of return of upto 35% over a 25-year period depending on the scale of the solar system, and your energy needs.

Power Bill Savings

Save thousands of dollars every year on your power bill by harnessing the power of renewable energy.

Begin Your Journey
to Energy Savings Today

We understand that in business, a measurable return on investment is key. A solar panel system can be a big upfront investment. The sun's energy, however, is a free and unlimited resource that could generate real savings over time. 

Our team can assist in connecting you to the right financing options for your business. We can also provide a detailed report on your business's project savings from a solar install. 

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